Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm Feeling a Little Cliche Today

How about a post on January 1st!

I could talk about my goals and dreams and "resolutions" for the coming 364 days, catch you up on what has been going on in my life, and end with words to live by.

Or I can admit that I had 4 slices of bread and buffalo peanut crumbs for lunch.

I have a few more hours until my vacation officially ends and I have to wear actual clothes and real shoes and go to class tomorrow.

Until then, I figured I would get all my pictures and docs onto Google.  While waiting for the pics to upload and shuffling documents into folders, I have come across several writings and figured I should go ahead and post them up.

This of course means a new blog!!  I am going to post up my essays from school and then update my spiritual blog with notes from Youversion.

I am also going to upload my Smashbooks, but I think a better forum would be Tumblr for those, since I do want to be more cool this year.

If I had to have a resolution, that would be it.  I want to Tech it Up, get my life online instead of just in line, and be ready for the machines when they launch their first move.  Clearly, I have been watching too much Prophets of Science Fiction on Netflix...or not enough!

As every year, I burst forth ready to learn from my mistakes only to at least make new ones.  At least this year, I celebrate having the same partner in crime as I did last year.  Here is to you my darling (:-*)


  1. What on earth are buffalo peanut crumbs?

    1. the crumbs from peanuts cooked in a sweet/salty buffalo seasoning:
