Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I was marketing to people but no one was buying

so since you don't care, do you mind if i tell you something.  now i don't know what you are gonna do with this information, but since you and i both don't care, i guess it doesn't matter now.  ever since i met you, i have liked you.  i still remember the day on the gray campus when i first told you and you freaked out.  besides the fact that it was quite painful and tramatizing, i continued to feel for you.  now i have only a few months to do anything if anything.  you know all those times i was talking to you and i would shake my head and walk away.  i remember doing that quite often.  it was because you were either hanging around a girl or they were hanging around you or i was feeling those feelings that i could never develop anything so i felt stupid and out of place around you and felt i shouldn't torture me or you so i leave the situation.  now, i am against the ropes and basically, i see that i have nothing to lose but everything to gain.  :) that is, of course if you want to...

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