Monday, March 11, 2013

On the Verge of Jumping

I will save you the sob story of how busy I have been and why I haven't been able to update you, whoever you are, about my continuing adventure here in New York. I will not, however, save you from the obligatory life update.

My job is chugging along, without benefits, but paying my bills nonetheless. I am still attending three churches regularly with my partner and am currently planning on adding a fourth service. There is one startling and major development that has provided the much needed sign post in my life-albeit not quite all the answers.

A few years ago, I sat across from my (soon to be ex-) pastor at the Baptist church I had attended for over six years while he took the time to very logically kill my dream. He had just preached a sermon on dreamkillers and I thought that Sunday would be the perfect time to talk about the exciting seed God planted in my heart through a Beth Moore Bible study. I wanted to go to seminary and become a Bible literacy teacher for youth. There were few options beyond youth teacher according to the confined spaces I had witnessed women occupy in our church.

"Churches are a dog eat dog world"
"There isn't a market for that in San Antonio and you can't make one"
"You have to be careful about what these schools will try to teach you"

and on and on he went. I took diligent notes for half an hour, thanked him for his time, and never attended services at that church again. I let the dream fade and considered teaching secularly as a decent option. It would be over five years before I would allow the sun to shine on the seedling hiding in my heart. One of my pastors, after hearing this part of my faith journey, asked if I had thought about going to seminary recently. "Off and on over the years but nothing recently," I replied. She asked, with such wisdom, "Is there any reason why you wouldn't consider it now?"

That question watered my spirit months ago and my life has been swiftly tilting more and more toward God but not just to teach. Another of my pastors pinpointed the visibility of ordination within my call, to which I laughed like Sarai when she overheard that God would bring her a child in her old age. However, the last time someone spoke a wildly amazing but ridiculous to me vision into my life, I was being urged to apply to Harvard and Stanford over Howard Payne University. I laughed, but I applied and believed.

Now, as I resist the testimony of the prophet Jonah, I laugh, but I am auditing a class at seminary and looking at my options for full time seminary in the coming school year. I am letting go of my hold of my life and dreams in order to allow the Master to take hold, mold me, and use me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fitness Pin: 500 Calorie Workout

Oh my goodness!!

Looking at this list of exercises and knowing I had to do them all (besides the 100 jumping jacks) was a little daunting at first.  When I resolved to try it and give it my best effort, I turned on a work out playlist, drank a bottle of water, and pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

Running in place and toe touches were a good warm up and helped ease me into the craziness.  I was going along rather well until I got to the 45 second plank.  Here is where I first stumbled.  Who knew how long 45 seconds was!  I had to stop every 5 seconds it seemed.  I kept trying to think about different inspirations, reasons why I was working out, and even other pins like:
Then I would collapse, and try again...
And I would squeeze and gasp...

And I would collapse again
and again 
And finally my phone alerted me that it had not actually been 15 minutes but only 45 seconds.  I knew I would have to do it again on the way back down the pyramid and the pin that ended up sticking with me was this one:

The second time I did the 45 second plank, I counted to ten and tried to make it at least those ten seconds.  I was able to do 3 counts of ten before my phone alarm went off.  I was going to do another ten count then another five count, but ended up continuing with the work out.  The plank is going to be one of those exercises that will become part of my warm-up.

I continued on after the plank relatively well until I got to the tricep extension.  I was not sure exactly what it was, so I did what I thought it was and figured I would look it up later.  Now, after having looked it up, I am happy to say that I did the right exercise!

Right after the tricep extension, I saw that I needed to do sit ups, but I ended up doing crunches thinking it would be fine until I got further on and realized there was a separate line specifically for crunches.  The second time around, I did do sit ups and was flabbergasted at how hard it was to do!  The last time I did sit ups, I had another elementary school kid holding down my feet.  I remember once using the edge of a couch to hold down my feet and that is so what I did not do this time.  I will have to look into suggestions for how to keep form for a sit up.  I had heard it can be straining on your kneck to do sit ups so I might do crunches then instead of sit ups.

On I went, going through each exertion until I hit the next doozy: chest flyes.  Initially, I misread the number of reps and only did 50 when I should have done 55 so the second time around I wanted to make up for it and did 60.  By the time I hit 30 on the second go, I was pulling my arms in to rest every few flys.  By the time I hit the last one, I was about ready to cry, but by george I did them!

The pieze de resistance was the 100 jumping jacks.  Even though you only had to do them once, once was enough.  Before I started them, I changed the song to something that was gonna help amp me up and stared out the window finding my spot and jumped!  Honey, I jumped and kept jumping.  Hit 30 and thought, I'm only 20 away from being halfway done.  I hit fifty and briefly thought about stopping and doing the rest later. In that moment, I knew I needed to finish them now and get them over with.  Then I was at 60.  I had to really focus at that point because it was all mind over body.  Every breath was a count and I knew if I slowed down even once I would stop and never move again.  I got to 80 and excitedly zeroed in on the last 20 jumping jacks.  My body really wanted to stop, I mean there was such negotiating going on internally I think I owe my body a professional massage.  I got to 90 and could barely believe it, only ten left but could I even get one more out?  Doggedly, I just kept jumping.  I earned each and every one but especially those last 5.  I did collapse and briefly paused in the workout at that point.  Not only had I just done 100 jumping jacks, but it was after having worked out almost 30 minutes.  

I think this is a great workout for once a week.  I'm currently trying different workouts and active options and this, though an hour long, is definitely worth doing regularly.  I do think the biggest thing I took away from this workout was my need to work on holding the plank and how much I can do if I just keep going.

Fitness Pin: 30 Minute Workout

I did this workout and had to improvise the running bit at the end.  It was a handy to have a quick all around work out that I could finish in 30 minutes!

A Pinterest New Year

It has been decided!

Last year I had  12 resolutions in 12 months.  This year, I am going to revel in this amazing new (to me) website:  Pinterest!

I am going to arrange a few major areas of my life around boards to help guide my improvement:


-Healthy eating:

-Green Beauty:

I do have a loose plan for how these pins and boards will work in my life:

-Motivation for becoming more conscientious about a healthier lifestyle
-Workout ideas and suggestions

Healthy Eating
-Information about food choices



Green Beauty
-Ideas on how to look my best naturally
-Beauty hacks on how to MacGyver any issues

Each time I use a board, I'll blog about the experience.  At the end of the year, no matter how well or poorly everything goes, I'll at least have a lot of blog posts!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More Newly Discovered Old Writing!

Below is a snapshot of my life in early 2008 when I was scrambling for ways to climb out of my life's valley.  Montell seemed like he might be able to help and since my mother in law suggested I try sharing my story with him, I typed up the transcript below.  Though I never got any word back from it, I did find some release in putting some of my life down on paper.

To Whom It May Concern:
I want to share my story not for pity, or empathy, but solely to give God the glory and to allow my testimony to give hope and courage to someone else.

The oldest of four children, I grew up around alcoholic and abusive men and unhealthy out-of-wedlock relationships.  Education quickly became my ticket out of a nearly impoverished struggling family.  Graduating in the top 4% of my high school class, I applied to over 50 scholarships in the hopes that my grades and scholarships would alleviate the pressure from my then single mom to pay for school.  A mentor opened my eyes to a larger picture and encouraged me to apply to Stanford.  Because of his words of belief, I took a chance and applied.  

Even after receiving over $15,000 in scholarships and grants, I found myself having to work as a work study student while at Stanford to pay for plane tickets to California from Texas at least three times a year.  I worked as a research assistant, office assistant, babysitter, teaching assistant, and even started my own business to allow more flexible work hours and improve my people skills.  In the midst of my undergraduate life, I married the first decent guy I had ever experienced up to that point in my life.  Understanding that I was the "good" child out of four, that I was the "smart" one, I came to the conclusion that looks were not my thing and the love and affection I was not getting from home would have to be found through a boyfriend and eventual husband.  According to Paul in the Bible, it is better to stay single but if you must marry to avoid fornication then do so.  

Next month my husband and I will celebrate 3 1/2 years.  We do not have any children but both of my younger sisters got pregnant without any higher education or plans for their future.  I knew that my family and community were counting on me to finish school, but the summer before my senior year my husband and I found ourselves heavily leveraged in bank and credit card debt.  I could no longer turn a profit from my business, did not have enough cash or credit to get the plane tickets to return to school, and when I petitioned all the supporters and mentors and family members who committed to helping me finish my schooling for a co-signer on a loan no one would even fill out the application.  I had to beg my mother just to apply and she doubtfully obliged me.  Needless to say, she was not approved and though my credit score was high due to my status as a student without solid and consistent employment history I was not able to get the funds together in time to start my senior year.  I have since been on sabbatical, working my business, putting a plan in place to pay off my debt, dealing with my relationship with my husband, loving my neice, nephew, serving my church and community, and just last year I had the rug pulled underneath me another time.  

I was hospitalized for a sever anxiety attack and diagnosed with manic depression.  The first week I was in the hospital to this day I do not recollect.  I was told that doctors believed I would never recover and would have to be institutionalized.  My medications included a mental suppressant, anxiety pills, and others which resulted in weight gain, depression, and lethargic behavior.  My psychiatrist and therapist worked together after I was released from the hospital but my husband and I could not afford the co-pays and medication costs on his salary alone (a little less than $1200 a month) so I told my doctor that I was ok and that I no longer needed the medication.  For months, I calmly worked my business part time and worked outside of the home part time.  This past November I began working full time outside of the home on a night shift and in February my husband lost his job.  My business, which I was still building and was not yet at a profit level, covered bills, gas, and what little food we could get.  God blessed me with just enough from my customers and family to keep me going but the stress and pressure of bills, debt, working, and building a business once again took its toll and just last week I had an anxiety attack in my church parking lot.  

Suddenly, I realized that if I did not change soon, I would end up right where I was nearly a year before and obviously I had not learned the lesson God had for me.  I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me yes, but I can do nothing without him.  I cannot do everything.  The hand cannot do the work of the foot.  I have such a heart to serve and help as many other people as possible that I never learned how to first take care of myself.  When I started making phone calls for physicians, psychiatrists, and therapists my mother and I quickly realized that her Humana health insurance through the post office expired for me due to my age.  So here I sit thanking God for restoring my mind (Luke 8:35) but I have to decide to pay debt or pay for doctors, pay bills or go back to Stanford, earn my car in Mary Kay or struggle with the one car my husband and I do have.  

To whom it may concern, I have seen your show and know how you help people.  I am not asking that you take all my financial and health insurance problems away, I know the value of triumph and victory from a tough challenge, but I am at the end of my rope, I have tied a knot, and I am swinging in faith that God will provide what I need to get through.  I want to complete my senior thesis about my experience entitled Fantasized Experience Appearing Real (F.E.A.R.) and use it as a foundation for a dissertation in behavioral psychology and be able to say that my Ph.D. did not come from my academic skills but rather because God saw fit to return my mind and remove the spirit of fear and grow my spirit of faith.  I would be most appreciative to share my story and help other young people, men and women who have lost hope to fear and paralyzing anxiety.  To attest that there is a way out and up.  I would be more than happy to share all the details and intricacies of my story as well as my full background, conspectus, and so forth.  Please contact me at your earliest convenience and thank you in advance for your prompt response and consideration.

God Bless,
Shamika Goddard

Live a blessed life and you will bless the lives of others

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Reflection on Past Jobs

From a scrap of paper found in my room written months ago:

I am happiest when what I do makes others happy
When I can see/facilitate that moment
-Party hero
-Retail Associate at Cracker Barrel
-Volunteers/Students/Rents/Teachers at Reading Partners
-Training/Organizing/Sales presentations with Mary Kay
Liked being able to use my knowledge on the job to serve others (teaching/sales)
Liked being able to be myself (silly with kids or laughing with whomever)
Liked positions where I felt good about the product/service I was offering


If I, Shamika La Shawn Walker Goddard, complete all 12 resolutions during the course of 2012, I will reward myself with...a Bahamavention!!!