Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Woman Who Turned to Salt

People remember the conflagration of two cities.  The sex and wanton lasciviousness.  Angels among men.  They may even remember how Lot, a man of God, offered his virgin daughter to a group of men to have their way with.  However you remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, not much focus goes to the wife of Lot who turned to a pillar of salt when she turned to see her home burn.

Why did she disobey God?  What was on her mind as she ran for her life that caused her to knowingly end it all in a moment all over a glance.  The salt on her pillar blew into the desert and most likely mingled with smoke from the lost cities.  In death, she can share the fate of her beloved previous life.

Her death caused Lot's daughters to decide to get their father drunk so he would lay with them and give them children.  After this account in Genesis, God lays down the law about incest in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.  The actions of a heated (pun intended) moment struck a path in the destiny of the Jewish, and consequentially Christian people.  Like Eve's disobedience, Lot's wife triggers a different path where the players are greeted with sin but God's hand leads His creation eventually to His glory.

As I hasten forward in my own life, I struggle not to look back and focus on my past, coveting the ashes of my mistakes hoping to discover anything more than the lessons learned.  Every once in a while, the heat on the back of my neck wills me to turn, reminds me of what, and who, I am leaving behind as I strive for a better career, home, and life.  There are few things worth turning to salt over, if any, but at least I know if I do the world will find a way to go on a little wiser from my story.

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