Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 2012: NaNoWriMo ALL 50,000 words done!


Resolution: NaNoWriMo
Reward: Buy new acoustic guitar

All the words were written, 90% by hand in a journal, so when they are typed up and somewhat cleaned up, I will post the writing here.  Funny enough, I didn't even finish the story!  The idea is the story of my life through the eyes of other men.  The process was very therapeutic and cathartic.  Though the whole thing won't be ready for a while, here is an excerpt:

The first thing you need to realize is that the movies that helped develop my understanding of love all lied to me.  According to the overwhelming majority of them, there was always a lonely  nerdy guy willing to take any girl that gave him the time of day.  In high school, I wanted to be that girl.  I crafted and honed my personality and personae around who I thought geeky guys would like.  I was already smart, into video and board games, and a fellow tortured soul.   So many plots presented the friend of the main character who was either seeking a general girl or had his eyes on a particular girl and got matched up at the end with her or someone who was also eyeing him.  For the many crushes I had, I was never the girl that a guy got.  I was the girl that a guy found himself with.  I thought I was being crafty when, looking back, the best way to describe it is probably stalking.

I would look for the guys with the least amount of friends, especially female friends, and befriend them.  I would do everything I could to impress him on his level, play it cool, and give him all the green lights I thought he’d want.  The only variable I didn't factor in was that the guys I was pursuing were not ready to be pursued.  I was very much a woman offering myself to boys.  Then, I came across a bona fide man.

He was 20 years old, exactly four years older than me and he was everything I could have ever imagined wanting in a guy: mature, tall, handsome, had his own place, a car, smart, funny, could carry a great phone conversation for hours, and he had a job.  I realize now that my mother had it right not to agree with her sixteen year old daughter dating a 20 year old, but at that point in my life, I had just gotten over my first puppy love and was ready for the real thing.

I wanted to race into life.  Hurry up and find a husband, get through college, get a job, house, car, kids, then retire before going to heaven.  And not necessarily in that order.  

Next month....

Resolution: Learn to play the guitar again
Track: Be able to play 2 whole songs
Reward: Professional mani/pedi with friend

And remember...!

If I, Shamika La Shawn Walker Goddard, complete all 12 resolutions during the course of 2012, I will reward myself with a ...

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