Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Brawny Man

(Brawny Man in real life much more ideal)

it has been bouncing around inside my head for days...different quips and phrases that play on the mix tape of our relationship, my favorites being "i will be your statue" and just the way you say my name "shamikaaaa" like you were exhaling pleasure and love and a secret meant just for me
  it can soothe my weary soul

10:54 PM me: so...what are you wearing
10:55 PM Brawny: boxer briefs and that a shirt
 me: a camisol and purple panties
 Brawny: what is a carnisol
10:56 PM me: tank w a built n sports bra
 Brawny: ah
  cuuute :)
10:57 PM me: u 2
 Brawny: :*
10:58 PM me: lol
10:59 PM Brawny: or play with your tits while you were asleep
 me: i wis u cld do that now
11:00 PM Brawny: i wish you could play with the bulge in my boxers
  i love it when you do tat
11:01 PM me: i havnt had a chance to do that recently
 Brawny: you havent, no
11:02 PM nor have i rubbed oil all over your delicious curves
11:03 PM and felt your soft body with my strong hands
11:04 PM me: ooh baby
11:07 PM Brawny: i bet you are getting wet reading this
11:08 PM me: wouldn't you like to know
 Brawny: i remember sliding your panties off, seeing your cum come off your panties in a string
11:09 PM me: i have never been as wet as when i am with you
11:10 PM Brawny: it turned me on so much seeing that
11:12 PM last time i made you cum, your cum was so slick, it felt so great rubbing my prick with your cum
 me: such a dirty boy
11:14 PM Brawny: in bed
11:16 PM i wish you were as dirty sometimes
 me: i have to save something for the honeymoon
11:17 PM Brawny: nah, im sure we could keep it fresh
11:18 PM me: so fresh and
 Brawny: so clean?
 me: good!
11:21 PM me: dork!
11:22 PM Brawny: i want to make a tetris with u
 me: lol thats adorable
11:23 PM Brawny: take my long piece and put it in your playing field
  thus filling 4 lines, hence a tetris
 me: woah... :-o
11:24 PM Brawny: for maximum score, if you get my drift
11:25 PM me: i am resting the phone on my heaving bosom
11:26 PM Brawny: i am letting my bulge get some air
11:27 PM its starting to get sore under wraps
 me: dont tell me that
11:28 PM Brawny: y not?
 me: because i can't do anything about it way over here
11:30 PM i want to kiss your lips right now
 Brawny: me 2
11:31 PM i want to press my thumb against your lips, take your head in my hands and kiss you
11:32 PM then slide my hands down your neck and rest of your shoulders
 me: *exhales
11:33 PM Brawny: i want to see the look of bliss on your face as i slide my hands down your arms and grab your elbows
 me: <3
11:35 PM i kno u r touching urself, but i want u 2 touch me instead
11:36 PM Brawny: guilty as charged :p
  (thats my tongue licking your ear btw)
 megiggles softly
11:37 PM Brawny: how about, you press against your hips and move up the sides of your body, imagining they are my hands

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So I have a moment to breath.  In this moment of inhalation, I wanted to post a brief update on what is going on.

I quit the play, tough as it was, because I could not keep up in my classes or with my sleep hygiene with the time commitment.  Even though it was hard for me to break a commitment and let my fellow cast members and director down, I know it was the right choice.

This quarter, I have 5 classes:
Hip Hop and Language Politics

Black Sitcoms: Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Urban Education

Freedom Now: African American History 1865-1965

Global Hip Hop Cultures

Senior Thesis Research

I have 19 units, but 5 of those are for my senior thesis.  Speaking of my thesis...

I have until April 29th to finish a 30 page draft.  I have maybe 15 pages.  I still have some research to do, so I am going to be researching and writing for the next few weeks.  I have to submit my thesis for grading in the third week of May and in the 4th week I am going to be presenting my research to my department.  My thesis is about mental health in the black community, specifically for college students.  Obviously, my own story is the nexus for my choice in topic.  I am considering picking up this topic in graduate school, but there are also other things that I would like to study:

-The relationship that non-black people have with black women's hair/The relationship that some black women don't have with their own hair

-The portrayal and representation of mental health in black people within the media such as film, cinema, tv shows, comedy shows, etc

-The affect that technology has had on how Christians specifically walk out their faith (texting questions to the pastor during the sermon, bible online/bible apps)

-The manchild and his contribution to the demise of contemporary dating

The first two are ones that I am leaning toward, but I also need to keep in mind what program I want to apply to, what the actual research is going to be, and then what as a Professor I would teach. I would love to teach for the African American Studies department, or in Cultural Studies, Communications, I don't know!  So many options.  I admire people who have several different scholarly iterations throughout their academic career like psych undergrad soc masters and phD in education.

*Note: I need to read Tender-headed and Black Looks*

I have interviewed for a summer job on campus with student housing which comes with free housing and would pay $15.75 an hour.  I pray that I get it but if I don't I have already bought a one way ticket back home to San Antonio.  I anticipate that whether or not I get the job, I will be working with AmeriCorps for a yearlong service program during which I hope to apply to graduate school.  I applied to the Institute for the Recruitment of Teachers which would help me apply to grad school, waive application fees, set me up with a mentor that would help me with my personal statement.

Beyond that, after the whole school thing I mean, I want to teach in the Alamo Community District for at least 2-3 years to give back to the city and community that gave so much to me.  After that, I would like to look into seminary and potentially become an online teacher and have the income from that pay for seminary.

I should be going to sleep, so that is enough for now, I will save the juicy bits about boys for another blog post.  At the moment, enjoy all my puffy dreams and lofty goals!  I know I will :-)