Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Little Over 70 Days Til Graduation

I am currently sitting in Meier Library, trying to keep my feet warm with my scarf and sweater, updating documents and hedging my writing process for my thesis.  I am due to have dinner with my friend in five minutes across campus and I am so very tired and already missed the first assignment of the quarter and its only been 3 days.

I am going to have a lot of reading and writing this quarter just for my classes, not to include my thesis and the research that I am going to have to do.  I also am figuring out exactly whether or not I am going to help my lil bro back in San Antonio for a year after graduation or if I am going to pursue a job or fellowship program before graduate school which I also still don't know what exactly I am going to study.

My thesis draft is due Friday but I have unwisely agreed to do a play which rehearses five nights a week for the next month. I am always tired, and this is still from the all nighter I pulled last week to finish a 15 pg research paper.  The issues I am bemoaning may sound like the normal college life, but they are exacerbating my mental symptoms which will effect whether or not I can mentally handle the academic expectations asked of me here.

Just 10 weeks.

Just gotta graduate.

Maybe after things have settled down a little bit, I can start thinking about my next steps.