Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Long Awaited Update

Dated a few guys
one almost raped me
another asked me out for hot cocoa but i ended up treating myself to dinner and a movie
the most recent one was more dork than geek (flushed the toilet on the phone several times, wore united states flag pants two nites in a row one of which was on a date)
back to okc it is...

Moving to utah for about a year and it seems like until taylor has gained more life experience points I may have to wait until grad school for a truly equally yoked relationship

My boss' boss told me outright that i wasn't a good fit for my role and euphemistically called me an angry black woman by saying i have a strong presence, am articulate, but need to watch my tone and have been disrespectful to my manager by asking questions which means to her that I'm questioning her authority.  it's not my fault they hired a teacher who has only managed children to manage several ppl, money, school staff, and tutors for the first time in a new organization and new region with new people!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2012: Work it COMPLETED


Resolution: Couch to 5k walk/jog every other day
Track: G-Calendar and hand made "Couch to 5k" tracking calendar
Reward: X-box game - Kung Fu Panda and Legos Indiana Jones

Couch to 5K Tracking

Run each work out of the 9 week program this month...half an hour a day.   You can do it!!

Next month....

Resolution: GRE prep and sign up to test by June 30th
Track: Online course/tools/weekly emails
Reward: Avengers film on May 4th and Avengers marathon (Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor, Captain America, and The Incredible Hulk)

And remember...!

If I, Shamika La Shawn Walker Goddard, complete all 12 resolutions during the course of 2012, I will reward myself with a ...