Monday, August 29, 2011

Leaky Heart

I am sitting in a McDonalds where I have been since noon using their free wi-fi and working on assignments for work.  I have also been checking up okcupid and managed to have a rather lengthy conversation with a young man whose profile said he was Christian but when sex came up in the convo he said that he was secular and didn't think we wanted the same things from a relationship.

Yesterday Sean told me he wanted to be single for a while.

Stephen wants to be together but is getting heart surgery soon and won't be able to move here for a while and even when he does he would have to get a job and figure out life and we would be trying to figure out us and it makes me thoroughly tired just thinking about it.

Taylor keeps poking me on Facebook and "liked" my post to my profile that had a link to my okc profile where we met.

I am sleeping on an air mattress again, more transient than I can remember, and there is so much that I don't know...all after my golden birthday which was actually mostly fun when I avoided the couples and pushed back the thoughts of my men troubles