Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm Gonna Make It After All...

In the fall, a few weeks from now really, I am going to be living in New York and serving a community for a year in AmeriCorps.  I have never been to New York and I only know a handfull of people who live there, only one intimately-and he is upstate.  Here are a few things I hope do and don't happen while I am in New York...

Find a reasonable apartment/furnishing/roomies

Enjoy my job

Explore the city

Discover a new hobby

Visit places I have seen only in movies and tv shows (like the diner from Seinfield)

Get bitten by a rat

Get pushed off the busy sidewalks into traffic

Get mugged/robbed/raped(against my will)/murdered/etc

Get so lost that I have to call the cops to help me find my way home

Lose my money/bus fair/subway tokens/etc and have to walk 20 blocks in heels or something

Lose myself in the people and attitude of New York and come out on the other side of this service year jaded, hardened, and further away from the woman I hope to be

Pick up smoking

Become a loose woman with loose morals

Friday, July 8, 2011

Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of

I need to have $1,500 money by Monday August 8, 2011.  I know I can do it!